step one is to make your gif however you so choose. if your layer has a raster mask, which i’m not going to go over in this tutorial, it’ll be the white rectangle on the right of the layer. to view a layer, click the little eye on its left. the bottom right rectangle is the workbar, which allows you to select and manipulate different frames and layers. The top right rectangle is your history, which allows you to undo things by clicking on previous steps. To the left is the editor menu, which i’m going to annotate below. file is where you save your gif, image allows you to resize or flip horizontally and vertically, layer is where most of the hard-core editing happens, select does what is says on the tin, and filter allows you to sharpen. you really only need to worry about file, image, layer, select, and filter. at the top of the screen is kind of the master menu.

there are four areas you should know about right off the bat.
#How to open quicktime player screen records onto photoshop how to#
i’ve started out with how to use the website, then moved on to a practical application. if you so choose, but for the sake of this tutorial, i’ve stuck with the basics. in fact, you can import photoshop psds, brushes, etc. Asked for a tutorial of how to gif things using photopea, so here i am! for those of you who don’t know what photopea is, it’s a free online editing software that’s very similar to photoshop.